
Xelagot action script

Avatar and Gesture

For the 3.4 AvatarState, see here.

Avatar %a
Avatar &p
where %a is a numeric variable or value, and &p is a person variable
Gesture %g
Gesture &p
Gesture $a
where %g is a numeric variable or literal value, &p is a person variable, and $a is a string variable or literal. The variant that uses the string allows to plan a series of gestures, as explained in Getting started: Customise
The following statements (xelagot 3.501) apply to caretaker bots, and bots that know the object path of the world, if they have downloaded Andras' from, unzipped zipdll.dll and put it in the bot's Plugins folder. Xelagot 3.607 or higher does not require Andras' plugin.
ifHasAvatarsDat statement1
Else statement2

ifHasNotAvatarsDat statement1
Else statement2

tests if the bot has retrieved the avatars.dat (or not) and if so executes statement1. Optinally, the Else clause is executed.
GetAvatarByName %avNumber $avName If available, retrieves the avatar number from it's name in the avatars.dat file. It first tries a full match, if no avatar is found with that name it tries a partial match (first letters). Returns -1 in %avNumber if it fails.
GetAvatarByNumber $avName %avNumber Retrieves the avatar name in the avatars.dat file if the number is within scope, otherwise returns an empty name.
GetGestureByName %geNumber %avNumber $geName Retrieves the gesture number for a particular avatar number from the gesture's name in the avatars.dat file. First tries a full match, then a partial match of names. Returns 0 in %geNumber if it fails.
GetGestureByNumber $geName %avNumber %geNumber Retrieves the gesture name for a specific avatar number and gesture number. Returns and empty string if it fails.
# take over the avatar and gesture
# of person variable &p
Avatar &p
Gesture &p

# use numbers
%a = 25
%g = 3
Avatar %a
Gesture %g

# or a string for Gesture
Gesture 1 6, 2 6

$g = "1 15, 8 5, 0"
Gesture $g

To stop a looping sequence of gestures, you can use:

Gesture 0
