
Xelagot action script

Program settings

While a script is running, the xelagot retains most of its normal functions. Some of these functions trigger automatic reactions, independently of whether a script is running or nor. Some script statements can modify this behaviour. Most of these statements have user interface equivalents.
SayAnnounce [$a]
WhisperAnnounce [$a]
This is similar to what the Immigration Officer says, with a choice of saying the text aloud or whispering it to the person entering. Must be issued when the bot is inside a world. The optional string $a sets the text to be announced. Some placeholders are allowed: use {p} for the name of the person entering. The string is not limited in length. The bot will only say this text once. If you wish to force the bot to announce something to people who have already heard an announce... i'll have to check this one LOL
CancelAnnounce [$a] cancel any announce. You may set a text for the next time announce is turned on.
SayHi on
SayHi off
turns automatic greeting on or off.
SayBye on
SayBye off
turns automatic greeting on or off.
WhisperHi on
WhisperHi off
turns automatic greeting on or off.
CancelHiBye turns all automatic greetings off
LimitedHear on
LimitedHear off
limits the bot to listening only to owners (on) or to all (off). This does not affect the Chat event handler, only the use of the dialog file.
Identify on
Identify off
when issued while the bot is in a world, forces the bot to identify citizen numbers and IP numbers if the bot has eject right, or turns off this function. This works for new arrivals, avatars present are not affected. If you wish to force identification of all present, issue a Scanav statement and, in the event handler AvatarScan, issue an Identify &p statement. See also Identify &p in Person variables.
EjectList on
EjectList off
(as from X1 version 2.9999957) when issued while the bot is in a world and if the bot has eject right, forces the bot to use its world eject list, or to ignore it.
ReleaseOwnership releases second boss ownership, unblocks second boss ownership
BlockOwnership blocks second boss ownership
