Xelagot topics
The Presence list
The presence list is placed normally to the left of the chat screen, it covers two other lists (the Worlds and Teleports) and can be selected with this button:
. If there are other avatars present, they will show on this list as little faces followed by their name. This list can be sorted by arrival time or by alphabet. If you right-click on the list you bring up a pop-up menu with a few options, depending on various circumstances. One of the options is to sort this list.
The colours of these faces indicate:
- blue: identified citizens (citizen number known)
- green: other citizens and tourists
- purple: xelagots
- brown: other bots
When you double-click on one of these icons, its avatar is added to the whisper list (blue list). This allows you to whisper to avatars as a group. To do so, click on the 'whisper' button, type in your message and hit 'enter'. To remove someone from the whisper list, double-click there on the item. The same whisper list is used for sending console messages (3.3 worlds, caretaker bot). See Topic Chatting for more information.
The full pop-up menu has the following items:
- avatar name (with a sub-menu)
- citizen number click on it to identify
- privs number
- session number
- IP address click to identify (PK bot)
- avatar number (Mr Tourist is number 0)
- coordinates
- world
- universe
- distance from bot
- state (3.4 avatar states: walking, running, flying, swimming, falling, jumping, warping)
- browser or sdk build
- stop chasing stops an ongoing chase
- stop noticing stops looking or avoiding
- send console message to all (caretaker bots in 3.3 worlds)
- search brings the seach tool: this tool allows you to see the list of presents and absents, select a group of them, highlight one, and apply certain actions: whisper, click, warp, teleport, eject, send url... identify (left-click on the citizen number or IP field) and also copy the data to the clipboard (right click on the data field you need to copy).
- show absent shows also avatars that have left (in a lighter shade of colour)
- dump list dumps the list to the chat screen and log file
- collective rights * (caretaker bot) with submenu for adding or removing a * symbol to the respective world rights category
- sort by arrival
- sort by arrival (last first)
- sort by name
The sub-menu next to the avatar name has the following choices, some have sub menus shown here in square brackets:
- click clicks on the avatar in the world, this can be detected by other bots
- whisper to whisper to the avatar individually
- whisper & go to [fast | slow] to go to the avatar (fast or slow) and whisper
- goto [fast | slow] goes to the avatar and keeps looking at it (does not follow)
- follow [fast | slow] follows the avatar
- join [fast | slow] joins the avatar
- notice [look at | avoid] looks at the avatar or turns its back on it
- warp avatar (PK, RW 3.0 only, world server 23 or up) warps the avatar
- teleport avatar as warp, teleports instantly
- change avatar and gesture of target (caretaker bot in 3.4 world if target is also 3.4)
- send url (Caretaker bot) send a url to the avatar's browser
- send console message (caretaker bot in 3.3 world)
- send botgram (3.5 universe) telegram from bot to bots
- eject (PK bot) brings up the eject selector
- personal rights of X (caretaker bot) with submenu for adding or removing the citizen number to the respective world rights category: only for identified citizens or bots, all tourists and xelagots. Non caretakers can see the rights of an avatar, but not change them
- privilege rights of X (caretaker bot) with submenu for adding or removing the citizen number of the privilege number used by the citizen to the respective world rights category: only for identified citizens wearing privs
- bold gives bold on the chat screen to the text spoken by the avatar (usefull to follow lessons etc)
- mute does not record the words spoken by the avatar
- ignore bot ignores what this avatar says
Notice that Caretakers are also PK automatically.
When an avatar is selected, the menu will show most of its items. The name, avatar number and last gesture number appears on the status bar at the foot of the screen; this information is updated constantly.