These pages are outdated: for the current What's New pages follow this link.

The 3.3 pages are here.

Please do not ask me questions about the bot through AW telegrams, they will not be answered. Send me an e-mail to You can activate your favourite mailer from the xelagot's menu Help | Online | Email to contact me. Before asking questions, read the notices on the download page (especially if the chat files are not working), What's New for changes and the Help files for general and specific information.

Xelagot X1 version 3.13, (Av99/SrvcXlg 3.13) - March, 2001
This version of X1.exe does not expire
Some minor adjustments
Adjustment: with the verbal command 'seed' the bot always announced the result aloud. Change: the result is announced in the same mode as the command: aloud, whisper, user interface, server. In case of failure, the bot now says the reason of the failure.
Bug-fix: DB file interface did not accept the bot name, only the bot number. Fixed.
Bug-fix: launching the world homepage from the world attributes screen was not possible after using the same launch dialog box once before (the run button was missing). Fixed.

Xelagot X1 version 3.12, (Av99/SrvcXlg 3.11) - November 20th, 2001
This version of X1.exe does not expire
Bug fix (affecting X1 only) in changing world settings using the GUI in world servers build 30 or less: it had become impossible to do that. If you have an X1 bot version 3.10 or 3.11 and you are caretaker of an old world server (up to build 30), you need to upgrade to this version to change world attributes. 3.2 world servers (build 31 or higher) are not affected.

Xelagot X1 version 3.11, Av99/SrvcXlg 3.11 - October 20th, 2001
This version of X1.exe does not expire
A few bug fixes.

Xelagot X1 version 3.10, Av99/SrvcXlg 3.10 - September 25th, 2001
This version of X1.exe does not expire
First AW 3.2 version (sdk build 22). Added 3.2 methods for setting SkyBox, MinimumVisibility and RepeatingGround in user interface (X1), in Action Script and in WriteToBot commands. 3.2 UniverseMessage included in user interface and logs.
Bug-fix: setting the world title using ActionScript was not working.

Xelagot X1 version 3.08, Av99/SrvcXlg 3.08 - September 1st, 2001
This version of X1.exe does not expire
Enhancement: the privs worn by citizens are now displayed (x1) and logged (all bots) when a citizen enters (3.1 world servers, build 28, in 3.1 universes or higher)

Checkers script - September 2nd, 2001
The new Checkers script requires xelagot 3.08 to function.

Xelagot X1 version 3.08, Av99/SrvcXlg 3.08 - September 1st, 2001
This version of X1.exe does not expire
Enhancement: Propdumps can now be made in 3 flavours (X1) or 2 flvours (av99/srvcxlgbot):

  1. old style, for 2.x and 3.0 world servers (up to world build 27).
  2. 3.1 (world server build 28 or higher) remote Admin style, which is similar to the 'old style' but adds a header line. It requires the ability to log into the world with the remote Admin client.
  3. 3.1 (world server build 28 or higher) propload style: this includes a world number and is more difficult to use. (X1 only)
3.1 World backup propdumps made with the Backup tool of X1's Survey manager are now in the remote Admin style. Action script ..SAVEPROPDUMP, if done inside a world, automatically choses between 'old style' and remote Admin style, depending on the world build.
Bug fix: a bug in the new checkers code was fixed. The checkers script will be posted in a few hours or to-morrow, the beta period is now closed!
Bug-fix in the Xelagot greet.

Action Script: for Caretaker bots, a new and VERY DANGEROUS statement has been introduced, which allows the bot to wipe the world clean of objects in one go! There are a few safeguards:

  1. the bot must be caretaker.
  2. the script must include the following code in the [Settings] section:
    otherwise the desctruction will not be performed. This is to allow quick inspection of scripts.
  3. X1: the bot must be authorised by the application's owner to apply such a script command in that particular world. The menu World | Preferences, tab World has a new checkbox to 'Allow world destructor scripts': it is off by default, and must be turned on for world destructive scripts to perform destruction.
    Av99/SrvcXlgbot: a new entry in the bot's section of the ini file allows or disallows world destruction through scripts:
    (0 is default) does not allow those scripts to cause destruction, any other value allows destruction through scripts.

The actual script statement perfoming the deletion of all objects in the world is:

It will only work if all 3 conditions mentioned above are met.

To make sure these scripts won't cause damage: check that the 'Allow world destructor scripts' checkbox in X1 is set to OFF (no checkmark), and inspect the [Settings] section of any scripts you receive for the word 'WorldDestructorScript'.

I am aware that this statement can be misused: that is why I introduced safeguards 2 and 3. But on some occasions, this statement is needed, for example, to change dimensions or for a Grand Finale show. That is why I finally decided to include it.

Xelagot X1 version 3.07, Av99/SrvcXlg 3.07 - August 26th, 2001
This version of X1.exe does not expire
Bug-fix and enhancement: new 3.1 world server propdumps are either ignored (av99, srvcxlg, most of x1) or read correctly. X1 can load these propdumps through the user interface's Survey manager's menu "Project | Load/Merge project". Files containing objects of multiple worlds produce a selector to choose the world number.
Action Script enhancement: Project and Res now have a ProjectSavePropDump $filename and ResSavePropDump $filename.
Enhancement: all bots have new checkers code. The checkers script will be out soon!

Xelagot X1 version 3.05, Av99/SrvcXlg 3.05 - August 12th, 2001
This version of X1.exe does not expire
Fixed a bug in the "join me/follow me/come here" code. When this verbal command was issued to a bot through the user interface, the owner was in a different world than the bot and there was another bot (in the same application) near the owner, the action would fail to work because the bot would not change worlds. Xelagots use 3 ways of finding out where the owner is to join him/her, in this order: (1) the presence list if the bot is near the owner and perceives him/her; (2) information from other bots in the same application if they perceive the owner; (3) the aw browser if it has been registered in the bot application.

Xelagot X1 version 3.04, Av99/SrvcXlg 3.04 - August 1st, 2001
This version of X1.exe does not expire
Fixed a bug in the scripting engine: "Label" in "ONxxxEvent Label" was being treated as case sensitive, causing, among other scripts, LaserTag02 to malfunction. Thanks, SK SHADOW.

Xelagot X1 version 3.03, Av99/SrvcXlg 3.03 - July 30th, 2001
This version of X1.exe does not expire
Fixed a problem encountered when World Titles get changed periodically. The World Title is now shown above the chat list in X1. Thanks, Brace.


Xelagot X1 version 3.02, (Av99/SrvcXlg 3.01) - June 24th, 2001
This version of X1.exe does not expire
INI FILE BUG discovered in versions 3.0 and 3.01 - fixed. This bug is potentially serious in the long run: the ini file gets filled up with urls:

The last URL gets repeated every time you shut down X1.
To fix this, download and install this new version first, then open the ini file with a text processor (not wordpad, it must stay in ascii format) and remove all lines starting with http:// and my email from the [Parameters] section.

Xelagot X1 version 3.01, (Av99/SrvcXlg 3.01) - June 22nd, 2001
This version of X1.exe does not expire
Slight change in citizen attributes timeout code.

Xelagot X1 version 3.0, (Av99/SrvcXlg 3.0) - June 11th, 2001
This version of X1.exe does not expire
Same as previous version, except for the fact it does not expire.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999994, (Av99/SrvcXlg 2.993) - May 12th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on July 1st, 2001
Enhancement: the (3.1) backup procedure using the Backup tab in the Survey Manager resumes automatically after disconections, as long as the bot application continues running (unless you stop the backup manually). The bot can also leave the world and return during a backup, it will resume where it left. Do not open or remove the backup files until the bot is done with them.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999993, Av99/SrvcXlg 2.993 - May 8th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on July 1st, 2001
Bug-fix: Action Script statement CLListOnline triggered as expected events OnCLAddEvent for each bot online but this event did not contain the Login names of bots as it should have. Fixed. (Thanks, Version3)
Adjustment in Verbal commands (not really a bug): {whisper_speaker} in custom chat files now works for delayed answers to citnum, citname, say rights. (Thanks, BCat)

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999992, (Av99/SrvcXlg 2.991) - April 30th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on June 1st, 2001
Map: Key speed adjustable per bot, pop-up menu item "Key speed". Status not saved to file.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999991, Av99/SrvcXlg 2.991 - April 29th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on June 1st, 2001
Bug-fix: the chess engine failed on occasions to pronounce a check-mate, thus deadlocking the game. The chess scripts were not buggy, the bug was in the bot code. Fixed (I hope).
Front View map enhancements: two grids are available (circular and rectangular), orientation and position may be turned on/off on the map, Ctrl + Space can be enabled for avatar-clicking (Shoot!).

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999990, (Av99/SrvcXlg 2.989) - April 28th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on June 1st, 2001
Enhancement: Give and take away rights (caretaker bots) to avatars - the pop up menu to do this in the Presence list has been simplified, rights are now shown checked or unchecked on one menu. There used to be separate menus to give and take away rights, and you could not see if the avatar had a specific right. This has now changed.
- for collective rights, there is only one menu item, check or uncheck the rights.
- for personal rights, there are two items: (1) one for the real citizen number of the avatar, (2) NEW FEATURE another item for the citizen number of the privs used by the avatar. On each, just check or uncheck the corresponding rights.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999989, Av99/SrvcXlg 2.989 - April 28th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on June 1st, 2001
Bug-fix: xelagot names containing dots were not recognised by other xelagots (and did not recognise any other xelagot) in the xelagot greeting. New xelagots will now recognise their 'dotted' colleagues.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999988, (Av99/SrvcXlg 2.983) - April 27th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on June 1st, 2001
Full navigation and click in Front view map. Each avatar is represented by a 1m x 1m square, with one eye in the middle. When the horizontal grid line passes through the eye (or the centre of the square) the bot is level with the avatar. The maximum view is 90 degrees to each side.
Map Keys and Mouse:
Escape: toggles between text and navigate (some keys won't work in both modes: you can type while you navigate, but arrows don't move in text). Clicking on either text or scene has the same effect.
AW Navigation keys: except for PageUp and PageDown, all other keys are similar to AW's.
Ctrl + Insert: toggle Front and Top view
Ctrl + PageUp and Ctrl + PageDown: zoom in/out (works on each view separately).
Ctrl + F1/F2/F3: select bot 1, 2 or 3
Left mouse click on avatar (Front view): avatar click.
Right mouse click on scene: pop up menu.
Enter: send message.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999986, (Av99/SrvcXlg 2.983) - April 26th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on June 1st, 2001
Front view avatar map enhancements: more stable image. Z-buffering. Names are more visible. Each avatar has an eye, to show where it is looking (seen from the front only of course).
Expected in next version: bot clicks on avatars in front view!

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999985, (Av99/SrvcXlg 2.983) - April 25th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on June 1st, 2001
The avatar map has a new option: next to the traditional top view, there is also a front view. To toggle between the 2, hit CTRL + INSERT. The grid circles represent 10 degrees. An avatar is at 4m distance of the bot if the corners of the square representing the avatar touch the first circle. The squares are 1 metre wide. To have the bot at the same height as the avatar, the horizontal grid line must pass through the avatar's centre. This option still needs enhancing.

NEW SDK build 20! Xelagot X1 version 2.9999983, Av99/SrvcXlg 2.983 - April 4th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on June 1st, 2001
The world list in the new AW universe shows all available worlds (almost 1000!). Note that the world in the X1 world list is grey if stopped, and grey with a question mark if uncertain. Stopped worlds sometimes show users (weird), possibly a universe-server error, and in the aw browser they do not show at all, so the bot's world list is longer that the aw browser's.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999982, Av99/SrvcXlg 2.982 - April 2nd, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on May 1st, 2001
X1. added bold for PS and sheriff-star for PK in presence list (3.1 worlds only)
X1. World Attributes, eject file tab: Added button to check ejects. World Attributes window now closes when bot leaves world.
Av99/SrvcXlgBot. bug-fix in ini file for Announce Text within limits.

Second Upload: (bug-fix) changing rights in world attributes refreshes Presence list!

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999980, Av99/SrvcXlg 2.980 - March 19th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on May 1st, 2001

Changes in handeling of disconnections: xelagots (X1, Av99/SrvcXlg) now leave the world explicitely when the world server connection fails (aw_exit), and leave the universe (log off, aw_destroy) when the universe connection fails (or the ISP or internet connection fails). Previously, they 'remained' in place, as it were, the AW SDK took care of reconnecting them. They now attempt to reconnect at regular intervals explicitely using aw_create, aw_login and aw_enter.

Changes in Action Script: the event handler OnWorldReconnect is now obsolete, but works as previously if installed. OnWorldEnter has now taken over both functions of OnWorldEnter and of OnWorldReconnect. Note therefore that it is equivalent to write:

OnWorldEnterEvent ThisHandler
OnWorldReconnectEvent ThisHandler
This is due to the changes in disconnection procedure. OnWorldDisconnect still functions as previously, signalling a disconnection, and is followed by an OnWorldExit event. When the bot reconnects, OnWorldEnter is triggered. Please Note: if a script has both OnWorldEnter and OnWorldReconnect pointing to different handlers, the one used is the last one defined!

Bug-fix: Announce Text was not working at all since version 2.(9999)978. This has been fixed. See there for what was added to the Announce Text functions at that time.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999979, Av99/SrvcXlg 2.979 - March 19th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on May 1st, 2001
Changes in Action Script: as announced below, a new variable type has been created: Packer variables. They act as placeholders for other variable types and for new variables created on the fly. Please refer to the New Variables section of the help files for details.

Changes in Action Script: the new statementes to pack variable names into string variables, introduced in 2.9999975, will be dropped, and will be replaced by a new set of variables, ^a-^z, which act as pointers to variable names. This is necessary to avoind ambiguity in statements where string variables are normally used. Therefore, please wait for a new release of the bot to apply these statements (or mark the places where they are used, so you can switch to the new system). The old statements MAY NOT WORK after the change.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999978, Av99/SrvcXlg 2.978 - March 15th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on May 1st, 2001

Announce text: Added an option to limit the announce to a certain area. X1: Check the menu World | Preferences, tab World. Av99/SrvcXlgBot: ini file entries:
AnnounceInArea=1 (to enable, to disable=0)
AnnounceNW=20.000n 20.000w
AnnounceSE=20.000s 20.000e

Action script - Two new statements to test if a location, object or avatar is in a 'fan' formed by adjacent triangles sharing a common vertex: IfLoc @a IsInFan @centre @b @c [...] @n and IfLoc @a IsInVFan @centre %height @b @c [...] @n.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999977, Av99/SrvcXlg 2.977 - March 11th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on May 1st, 2001
Action Script: /s_List2 = /s_List1 for copying lists is replaced by SListCopy /s_List2 /s_List1 due to ambiguity with list names packed in string variables. For the same reason, Replace, that can have string or list arguments, will not work with list names packed in string variables: for these cases, use ReplaceInList. New: SListAppend /s_List2 /s_List1 to copy strings without clearing. There are a few new statements to sort lists: by string, by name, by value, and by field, See String Lists (section on Special statements) for details. Disconnections can be tested directly using IfWaitingForServer.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999976, Av99/SrvcXlg 2.976 - March 9th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on May 1st, 2001
ATTENTION SCRIPT USERS AND WRITERS: This version fixes a bug in the event handlers, where sometimes a GOTO would produce an error after reassigning the event handler within its own context. Some standard scripts were affected by this, e.g. Paintball.
There is a second 'copy' of the SrvcXlgBot to be able to install 2 services. See the Av99/SrvcXlgBot page, Download section, for details.
The Xelagot server and clients (version 1.3) have had small changes, and their heartbeat rate has been increased to once every 10ms instead of 500ms. You can slow this down in the ini file.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999975, Av99/SrvcXlg 2.8 - March 6th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on April 1st, 2001
ATTENTION SCRIPT USERS AND WRITERS: This version introduces statements for packing variable names. These statements were later modified in version 2.9999979, and may not work as stated here!
Action Script additions:

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999974, Av99/SrvcXlg 2.7 February 24th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on April 1st, 2001
Verbal Commands: in 3.1 worlds, asking for the rights of someone now reveals the privs used by that person.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999973, Av99/SrvcXlg 2.6 February 23rd, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on April 1st, 2001
Internal changes to code.
Action Script: added IfGetPresentCitnum &p %citnum, for selecting an avatar citizen. Citizen must be present and identified for this to work (works best in 3.1 worlds), non-identified citizens, bots and tourists are ignored.
The Bank bot scripts are undergoing final beta testing, will be released soon.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999972, Av99/SrvcXlg 2.5 February 21st, 2001 (2nd upload)
This version of X1.exe expires on April 1st, 2001
Small changes in the greeting procedure to other bots, to minimise traffic and avoid repeated greeting. As long as the session number of other bots remains unchanged, the following rules are applied:
Bots that do not answer the xelagot greet will not be greeted again if they have remained more than 30 seconds in the presence of your bot.
Xelagots (recognised as such by your bot) will not be greeted again.
If a bot leaves and comes back after a timeout value of 30 minutes, greetings are resumed.
2nd upload: fixed an X1 world attributes bug: the fog and backgroud colour could not be set using the world attributes screen since I moved this option to the Lights and Fog tab. Fixed (thanks Cosmic Truth).

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999971, Av99/SrvcXlg 2.4 February 17th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on April 1st, 2001
ActionScript: added a statement to append string lists to file: SListSaveAppend /s_List $filename [%r]. This is handy for making log files: clear the list, add the lines you need to add to the log file, and 'saveappend' it.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999970, Av99/SrvcXlg 2.3 February 17th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on April 1st, 2001
ActionScript: added to Motion: logging in and out statements EnterUniverse (enters universe only), EnterInvisible (enters world but remains invisible) - Enter already existed, applies to entering world and materialising.
Additions: to Survey Manager's Cell Viewer: Add Object To Project, Add Cell To Project (in survey pane's pop up menu). A few more small changes there too, the survey pane must be refreshed manually to avoid a constant flickering (button). If the world is 3.1, cells are now always queried individually, whether a survey (query) is going on or not. The survey manager's menu items have been moved around a bit. One can now move the map to any coordinate (menu Map | Move to...), and query a specific cell by typing in the coordinates (3.1 world only, menu Survey | 3.1 View cell contents)
Bugfix: Survey Manager, new 3.1 backup would, on occasions, save duplicate cells in a propdump. Fixed.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999969 (2 uploads), Av99/SrvcXlg version 2.2 February 15th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on April 1st, 2001
First upload:
Bugfix: xelagot greet was being repeated even if the bot was known as xelagot (avatar add): fixed
Second upload:
Bugfix: Survey Manager's Cell Viewer: Transforms were not being applied fully to objects shown in the Project pane of the cell viewer (old old bug again, thanks Cosmic Truth). Fixed.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999968, Av99/SrvcXlg version 2.1 February 15th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on April 1st, 2001
Partial revision of world enter code. Clicking on worlds list button only refreshes worlds list if the list is already visible.
Bugfix: Action Script - GetDayOfWeek and GetMonth strings were not working: fixed (Old Old Bug, nobody noticed?). Run in [Settings] was not being checked for leading and trailing spaces: fixed

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999967, Av99/SrvcXlg version 2.0 February 12th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on April 1st, 2001
Bugfix: Action Script statement GetCellAt was setting wrong coordinates, GetCellLocation was reading them wrong (1000 x too high). Fixed.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999966, Av99/SrvcXlg version 1.9 February 11th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on April 1st, 2001
Code added to read cell contents in 3.1 worlds, independently of surveys. See in the Survey Manager the menu Survey | (3.1) View Cell Contents, and the same item in the pop-up menu on the map will, if the world is 3.1, uses the new code (which means you always get the contents of a cell, whether a survey covers it or not). This code uses the AW_CELL_ITERATOR and aw_cell_next.
Action Script: to the traditional statements, added ProjectFromResFilter (ProjectFromRes existed).
Action Script, new 3.1 statements, all related to the cell contents feature. A new object buffer, the Cell, receives the contents of a cell. The statement to trigger this is GetCellAt @a, the event handler is OnCellContentsEvent, and the following statements apply after this event has been received: CellCount %c, ResFromCell, ResFromCellFilter, ProjectFromCell, ProjectFromCellFilter, CellSave $f [%r], GetCellLocation @a, IfGetCellObjectItem...
Bugfix: error codes outside the AW codes were not being produced. Fixed.
Bugfix: (3.1) world expiration bug. Fixed.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999965, Av99/SrvcXlg version 1.8 February 9th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on April 1st, 2001
Quick bug fix for world re-entry after wfs (was blocking the bot from entering the world).

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999964, Av99/SrvcXlg version 1.79 February 9th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on April 1st, 2001
Addition of the following Action Script statements:
Event handler for WorldAttributes (for all world servers, with a working example for 3.1 caretakers)
World attribute WorldMaxUsers %x (3.1 world server build 30 up)

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999963, Av99/SrvcXlg version 1.78 February 8th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on April 1st, 2001
Bugfixes and enhancements to the new code: reconnect code adjusted to new 3.1 procedures, remains compatible with older server builds. Join/Follow code fixed for 16 heartbeats per second (was faulty). Other minor adjustments.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999962, Av99/SrvcXlg version 1.77 February 6th, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on April 1st, 2001
New features (SDK Build 19, 3.1 beta):
X1: the Bots' heartbeat can be made faster, from 2 (default) to 16 beats per second. Menu "Bot | Heartbeats per second".
Survey Manager (world server 28 or up): added facility for backing up a world (put the heartbeat up to 16 for this) and for Caretakers a facility for deleting all objects in one command.
Action Script: OnAllObjectsGoneEvent triggered when all objects are deleted by a caretaker (not necessarily by the bot itself). New statements to retrieve data: (also for older worlds) UniverseBuild %u, WorldBuild %w (gives the build number of the universe or world server). For world server 28 or up: WorldSize %s, WorldObjects %j, and for person data GetPrivs %p &p, GetVersion %v &p (gets the browser or sdk version of person or bot, if available).

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999961, Av99/SrvcXlg version 1.76 January 31st, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on April 1st, 2001
AW 3.1 beta version (SDK build 19) included: please overwrite your aw.dll!. New features:
SDK build 19 adds a new world attibute: Max. Light Radius. This version of the bots includes the new attribute.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999960, Av99/SrvcXlg version 1.75 January 23rd, 2001
This version of X1.exe expires on April 1st, 2001
AW 3.1 beta version (SDK build 18) included: please overwrite your aw.dll!. New features:
In 3.1 universes: citizen number and name query by verbal commands may return a url for the citizen. Try it, ask the bot: citnum XelaG
In 3.1 compliant worlds (build 28 or higher): citizens numbers and browser/sdk version available automatically for avatars and bots (presence list menu). New Special Commands Rights in world attributes, action script, verbal commands and writetobot, also included in the presence list.
Shortly, more new 3.1 features will be included.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999958, Av99/SrvcXlg version 1.73 December 22th, 2000
This version of X1.exe expires on February 15th, 2001
Bug-fix in bot's Chess unit, new version of the Chess script with //abandon boardname addition.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999957, Av99/SrvcXlg version 1.72 December 20th, 2000
This version of X1.exe expires on February 15th, 2001
Due to imprecise and not documented innovations in the standards for citizen, tourist and bot names in AW 3.1, I am forced to re-write part of the xelagot code:

Action Script additions: URLencode $a $b and URLdecode $a $b are explained above. EjectList on/off turns on/off the use of the bot's eject list for a given world. Identify on/off turns on/off citizen and IP identification. Identify &p expands IdentifyCitizen &p, in that it also does IP identification (if the bot has eject rights).

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999956, Av99/SrvcXlg version 1.71 December 15th, 2000
This version of X1.exe expires on February 15th, 2001
Chess script passed the beta testing in ActiveWorlds, OuterWorlds, VectorScape and City4All. Thank you all for you efforts and feedback! Testing and improving will continue, of course, but the first Xelagot Chess script can be found here. Next will come an international version. It can not be used in AlphaWorld nor in worlds that do not have the necessary objects (chess pieces and individual squares). It requires this version of X1, or Av99Bot/SrvcXlgBot 1.71.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999955, Av99/SrvcXlg version 1.70 December 8th, 2000
This version of X1.exe expires on January 15th, 2001
Bug fixes - Two bugs, which would hang the application: (1) a fatal error while running a script would have the script engine loop indefinitely, (2) travelling while multi-line text was being said, or applying KillText, could get caught in an endless loop.
Enhancements (still in beta): added a Chess unit to the bots. I am testing a chess script to go with it, it will come before Xmas: multiple chess boards managed by one bot. As a bonus, two freeware chess sets will accompany it: one is a modified AW chess set (RWX), the second one is a gift from the Titans Guild (COB). And of course, more action script statements will be available to manage the chess unit!

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999954, Av99/SrvcXlg version 1.69 November 24th, 2000
This version of X1.exe expires on January 15th, 2001

Action Script - installed event handler for URL (which for one reason or other was never there), see this page.
Bug-fix in Walk @a : $message (literal strings were not getting passed properly).
Bug-fix in code of Email event handlers. Changed the format of EmailSend to EmailSend $ID (the old code still works) and made GetEmailID $ID obsolete (it still works the old way), because, due to a problem with thread synchronisation, it was not always getting the ID number on time before the first email event. See these pages: Email and Event EmailSend.
Re-organised and updated many help pages, many event handlers have now full simple working examples. More will be added and updated soon...

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999953, Av99/SrvXlg version 1.68 November 17th, 2000
This version of X1.exe expires on January 15th, 2001

Action Script - new ReplyText, ReplySText and ReplyWText, generic statements for replying in Event handlers tested. Bug fix in syntax checking of Text blocks completed.

X1 - Speeches through the user interface: copy paste multi-line text into the bot's chat box (chat, whisper) and hit enter. The bot will deliver the text one line at a time at a normal pace. To cancel ongoing text, go to menu "Bot | Kill" text and click there. You can use the command option with multi-line text to split up the commands you send to the bot into one-line commands issued at a regular pace. To type in more than one line, press CONTROL or SHIFT + ENTER. See the new Chatting, whispering and saying speeches topic page.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999952, Av99/SrvXlg version 1.67 November 12, 2000
This version of X1.exe expires on January 15th, 2001
X1.exe: fixed a problem with answering commands to screen (introduced two versions earlier).
All bots: a memory leak fixed. This leak was slow and only detectable after hours running the bots. It was situated in the Server heartbeat, and occured even if the Server was not being used.

Enhancements: Action Script - Addition of the ReplyText series of statements, have just been introduced and are being tested. Also, the Text block was throwing an error if it encountered words like Event, Sub, Text, End (thanks Who!): fixed (but not completely, full fix in next version).

Changes in Action Script statement: Whisper %session $name $message will not work any more. Use one of the two following statements instead: Whisper %session $message or Whisper $name $message. The statement Whisper &person $message has not changed.

Xelagot X1 version 2.9999950, Av99/SrvXlg version 1.66 November 12, 2000
This version of X1.exe expires on January 15th, 2001
Action Script: I added a new help page, Errors and debugging. There are a few changes in how the applications deal with syntactic errors in the Action Script: some errors which went unnoticed before will now cause error messages on screen (x1 and Av99Bot) and trigger an error event (Event: Error, LabelNotFound) or, if they can cause the bot to freeze or a stack overflow, stop the execution of the script. New Escape statements added to exit event handlers and subs (Labels and Subs) and to retrieve errors (Event: Error, LabelNotFound). A whole new set of statements complement the Say, Whisper, CLWrite type: the powerful generic Reply statements. The Chat and messaging event handlers are now explained fully in Events: Chat and messages: here too new statements are explained. And, I added these statements: ResFromSurvey, DateTimeString and IfLoginUniverse.
X1: messaging to and from bot clients shows more messages...

Request to users of Xelagot Server-Client software as from version 2.9999949: please change the 'master,bot' or 'bot,master' protocol to 'master'. Double use of protocols will be disabled in future versions. The new servers (built-in and stand-alone) will accept both notations for the time being.

Xelagot 2.9999949 October 31st, 2000.
Expires January 15, 2001.
Changes and bug-fixes in the server-client units. The built-in server should be accessible from the Xelagot Administrator Client and the Xelagot User Client. The Central and Bot clients should now be compliant with the new server code.

NEW SOFTWARE October 29th, 2000.
New xelagot software: stand-alone Xelagot Server, Xelagot Administrator Client, Xelagot User Client. See the new main page.

Xelagot 2.9999947 October 27th, 2000.
Expires January 15, 2001.
Small changes in the ini file format, and new verbal commands for Server and BotClient automatic reconnections.
To cope with some Winsock system malfunctions (Windows deficiencies), the automatic reconnection code of clients has been altered. Four parameters are now used if ReconnectOn is enabled: (i) ReconnectDelay defaults to 10 seconds, this is the delay between reconnect attempts; (ii) ReconnectAttempts defaults to 6, these are the number of reconnect attempts before pausing; (iii) ReconnectPause defaults to 60 seconds, and temporarily halts the attempts; (iv) ReconnectCylcles defaults to -1, which indicates that attempts may be resumed after the pause, any other zero or positive value will limit the number of times the attempts/pause cycle is repeated. If attempts fail for reasons other than the normal winsock code, automatic reconnection attempts are stopped.
Action script statements related to this (new ones in blue):

ServerPort <port>
ServerReconnect On|Off
ServerReconnectDelay <seconds>
ServerReconnectAttempts <0 or positive integer>
ServerReconnectPause <seconds>
ServerReconnectCycles <integer, default -1 always loop>
ClHost  <ip or host>
ClPort  <port>
ClLogin <login name>
ClPassword <uncoded password>
ClReconnect On|Off
ClReconnectDelay <seconds>
ClReconnectAttempts <0 or positive integer>
ClReconnectPause <seconds>
ClReconnectCycles <-1 or higher>
The standalone Xelagot Server and the remote Administration client are in alpha testing. Requests to alpha and beta test these applications accepted by email to:

Xelagot 2.9999946 October 21st, 2000.
Expires January 15, 2001
Bugfix in Server/Client software: small memory leak and read/write failures, causing loss of information and failed login procedures. Fixed.
Announcement: a standalone Xelagot Server coming soon, having the same facilities as the built-in server. Extra features: remote administration client, and User clients for Bot hosting services.

Xelagot 2.9999945 October 19th, 2000.
Expires January 15, 2001
Small fixes.
Server and Clients screens now alphabetically sorted. Both have a right-click menu to check/uncheck all.
Weird chr(0)'s semoved from log file and screen.

Xelagot 2.9999944 October 17th, 2000.
Expires January 15, 2001
Bugfix in Filter for projects: multiple citizen numbers were not being accepted. (Thanks CosmicTruth)
BotClient: added a pop-up menu to the log-in viewer, with the following items: uncheck all, check all.
Bugfix in Presence screen: up/dowm keys now update the data properly in the status bar.

Xelagot 2.9999943 October 10th, 2000.
Expires January 15, 2001
Bugfix in Server code: was not notifying to new client the correct protocols of other clients.
Bugfix in World Attributes: attributes were being removed from memory and file if they had an empty text entry.
SayText, WhisperText and SetTimeout allow a text parameter, which is returned in the callback TextCompleteEvent and in TimeoutEvent. This text parameter must now either be a variable like $a, or a literal string surrounded by double quotes, like "the beast" (double quotes were not treated properly).
New statement: ClearTimeouts clears the TimeoutEvent buffer.

Xelagot 2.9999942 September 29th, 2000.
Expires January 15, 2001
Enhancement in code for sending chatlines. Action Script: Strings sent with Say and Whisper containing a #0 (ASCII character 0) will be split at that character, as if it were a line break, and sent as two separate lines by the bot. So if you want to be sure a line is sent separately on its own, do this:
SayConcat #0 "This is a new line on its own" #0
Concat $a #0 "This is a new line on its own" #0
Say $a
If you only need to split the line, omit the second #0. This second #0 makes sure that if the bot appends more lines, they will also be separated from the previous text.

The list of avatars present is now alphabetically ordered, when you use the verbal command 'present' or 'who is here'.

Xelagot 2.9999941 September 24th, 2000.
Expires January 15, 2001
Bugfix in WriteToBot hear, affecting bots using BotClient when chatted to during AW disconnects: the bots would not receive the chat commands through their client.
Expanded the verbal command "your state" (and modified the language files).

Xelagot 2.9999940 August 31st, 2000.
Expires October 15th, 2000
Bugfix in login procedure of Server: Master and Bot protocols were not being recognised when loging in using a password.

Xelagot 2.9999939 August 26th, 2000.
Recompiled with Delphi 5, uses new AW SDK build 17.

Xelagot 2.9999938 August 14th, 2000.
Changed the expiration date to august 14th. 2.9999937 - Bug fix in ActionScript string list statements SListGetField(s) (location was not being read).

NaughtsAndCrossed script (TicTacToe) August 4th, 2000.
Script for ED had an error. Fixed.

Xelagot 2.9999936 July 31st, 2000.
Action Script: events ObjectAdd and ObjectDelete added.

Xelagot 2.9999935 July 30th, 2000.
Includes a patch for an SDK bug in ejection deletions. (thanks BCat and Roland Vilett).

Xelagot 2.9999934 July 29th, 2000.
Two action script statements added. 1. for Objects: GetObjectID $a ~b (see String operations). 2. An event marking the 1st completion of a join/follow/gotoPerson: JoinComplete.

Xelagot 2.9999933 July 26th, 2000.
Bug fix in action script DownloadComplete event. Added an option to exclude bots from Hi/Bye greetings and world announce in version 2.9999932, fixed a bug in it in thei version.

Xelagot 2.9999931 July 5th, 2000.
Bug fix in RichEdit maximum capacity.

Xelagot 2.9999930 July 5th, 2000.
Bug fix in brand new Action script statements IfJoinFacePerson and IfFollowFacePerson (thanks Who). New (experimental) statements for visibility: Vanish, Materialise. New verbal commands: botname vanish, botname materialize (this one only through user interface, obviously). A vanished bot is in the world, but is not visible and can not hear nor feel, but it can survey property and build.

Xelagot 2.9999929 July 3rd, 2000.
Forgot to mention this: Xelagot can now be made to log into a Universe without entering a world. When logging in, hold the SHIFT key when clicking on the 'Login' button in the Login selector to achieve this.

Xelagot 2.9999929 July 3rd, 2000.
DJ.EXE 2.08 fixes a bug introduced when changing from Delphi 3 to 4: the Hambot script template was deleted and the Hambot could not be made. I only found out this to-day (thanks Millennium Man).

Xelagot 2.9999929 July 3rd, 2000.
DJ.EXE 2.07 now allows loading and saving Preston midi lists, and converting them to and from Xelagot format. The default value of the play-time is now 0 seconds instead of 200, for compatibility with the Preston format: the new versions of Xelagot will change that internally to 200 seconds. See Topics: Playing midis.

Xelagot 2.9999928 July 1st, 2000.
Action Script: added new statements IfJoinFacePerson and IfFollowFacePerson and made corrections to the code for Joining. The used interface for Join and Follow (menu World | Follow and Join) has been corrected to allow negative values for angles.

Xelagot 2.9999927 June 19, 2000.
URL download functions revised, made a better error messaging. Action Script: Text function for say and whisper revised. Killing the text now triggers an OnTextComplete event. OnTextComplete is now triggered in all other cases after the delay for reading the last line, not inmediately as it used to be.

Xelagot 2.9999926 June 17, 2000.
New action script statements related to Say/WhisperText: KillTextTo &p, IfSaysTo &p, IfSaysToAny, IfWhispersTo &p, IfWhispersToAny.

Xelagot 2.9999924 June 10, 2000.
AvatarClick detection: a recently introduced bug was fixed, bot failed to detect clicks on itself. Scripts: fixed a bug in Avatar_Object_Click script, included with the bot, for clicks on undefined objects or avatars.

Xelagot 2.9999923 June 8, 2000.
ActionScript: IfGetPresentSession &p %s added to person variable statements. Caretakers: World Attributes (tab File) and Action Script (string lists), were not handling correctly the position of the world light source. This has been fixed (thanks Brant).

Xelagot 2.9999922 June 2, 2000.
Olde olde bug found: ActionScript statement ProjectAdd ~a was not always working properly for new objects. Solved. Survey Manager: "show text" is temporarily disabled automatically when saving projects as propdump and Canopus blueprint, speeds up the process. Help files: corrected some errors in Object variables page.

Xelagot 2.9999921 June 1, 2000.
Proxy settings selector slightly modified. See Topics: Downloading files. DJ.EXE 2.06 now also allows to select proxy settings (it is included in and can be downloaded separately). Thanks to Geordi for beta testing this :)

Xelagot 2.9999920 May 31, 2000.
Proxy settings can now be specified. See Topics: Downloading files.

NaughtsAndCrosses (Tic-Tac-Toe) script available.

Xelagot 2.9999919 May 27, 2000.
New folder to keep custom world attributes files: Attributes.
ActionScript: new statement GetAttributesDir.
User Interface: menu 'World | World Attributes' has two new features. (1) the input box for the Welcome Message has in its pop-up menu (right click on the edit box) two new items: 'New Line' to add a line break to the text of the message, and 'Tab' to add a tab character. (2) there is a new Tab, called File for managing World Attributes in the xelagot file format. It allows to select attributes by checkmarking them, to load the selected attributes from World, the attributes Editor or from file. These can be saved to the editor or to file. One can load from and save to file the checked items only, or all items. All other operations involve checked items only. These attributes files can be used directly with the new world schedule script.
User Interface: the menu Bot has, in addition to the two new menu items for putting the program icon in the Windows tray, an item to hide or show the hints when moving the mouse on different parts of the user interface.

Xelagot 2.9999918 May 21, 2000. Additions to the language files in the [Common] section. The menu World | Settings, tab Universe has a new selector: radio buttons to enable personal avatar click detection. This feature is for the bot-owners: when enabled, the bot will whisper to the owner, when the owner clicks on someone, the name of that person. This allows you to find out who is who, when people have not yet spoken and their name is not visible on the AW browser screen. ActionScript: a big bug fix in the Timeout Lists: the statements using integers instead of strings was not working properly. Presence list (user interface): the pop-up menu now shows the name of the avatar in lowercase, to unmask the confusion between "l" (L) and "I" (i). The same applies to the individual data panel in the Search menu.

Xelagot 2.9999917 May 18, 2000. Hmm, version 2.9999916 did not show the correct version number (it still showed 2.9999915) so here it is corrected. In this version: a small cosmetic bug fix (thanks Cosmic Truth) and a change in the "xelagots report" code: the xelagots now report back in whisper, not aloud, to avoid flooding.

Action Script example: WorldSchedule.txt, a scheduler for world attribute changes, allowing to customize these changes without changing the script. It even allows line-breaks and tabs in the welcome message. New 3.0 attributes are supported. Requires Xelagot 2.9999916 or higher.

Xelagot 2.9999916 May 17, 2000. Action Script: the following notation is now valid:
$a = #13
Concat $c $d #13 #10 "I like honey"
In these cases, # followed by a number from 0 to 255 is a one-byte string containing the corresponding ASCII character. This also applies to all Concat statements: SayConcat, WhisperConcat and SecretConcat. Chr $a %n now also allows values of %n smaller than 32 (space).
Some old old verbal commands for querying, which I had forgotten to mention, are now listed in the verbal commands for Build, Seed, Query

Xelagot 2.9999915 May 16, 2000. Added:
Action Script: an extension to the syntax of date-time variable operations: it is now legal to assign a string variable to a date-time variable, with GetDateTime, GetDate etc. The string variable must contain either a reference to a date-time variable, or to numeric variables, or must have a space separated list of integers. Two new file path statements for the script file and path: GetMyFile $f, GetMyDir $f; and for testing if the bot is logged in a world: IfLoginWorld, IfNotLoginWorld. New SList statement: Replace /s_List1 s_List2 $c $d. New statements for world attributes: WorldAttributesList /s_List dumps the world attributes in the string list as a name/value pair. Check the world files in the World folder (and the universe sub folder): they have exactly the same format as what is dumped in the list. ChangeAttributes has a second use: ChangeAttributes /s_List uses the named attributes in the list to change world attributes. Caretakers note: the ObjectPath is now included in the list, the object password is not (the bot never gets it).
Scroll/Freeze bars added to the Server/Client and Clients windows.

Xelagot 2.9999914 May 12, 2000. Added: Downloads folder, and an http downloader to download files from internet to the bot's Downloads folder. Action Script: new statements - GetDownloadsPath $p, WriteToBot command Download (bottom of page), event handlers BotConfirm and CLConfirm for replies to a WriteToBot command . Verbal commands: botname download url. Bug fix in the Action Script engine (thanks Cosmic Truth)..

Xelagot 2.9999913 May 8, 2000. Option added to show icon in tray and to minimize in tray. Icon in tray allows to select the bot directly when restoring a minimized program.

Xelagot 2.9999912 May 7, 2000. scrolling the text in chat screen: toggle scrolling on/off with the scroll/freeze bar under the chat screen. URLs: added a hidden button to World attributes homepage title, click there to activate the homepage on your browser. The selector for sending URLs (caretakers) has a 'target' input line. URLs received by the bot from caretakers are now shown on the chat screen and can be clicked to activate them. Verbal commands: fixed some double answers. "Say warp gz" should now only make the bot say "warp gz" and won't warp the bot. The same goes for "object action bump warp..." commands and for some others. Mirror bot script: due to a bug, it was not showing the gestures (reported by Who). Bug is fixed and some more options have been added to the verbal commands for Avatar and Gesture.

Xelagot 2.9999908 to 2.9999910 May 5, 2000. The chat screen - scrolling works like this now: when the cursor is at the end of the text, the screen scrolls normally, otherwise, the chat will scroll until the cursor hits the top of the screen, and then stop there. To bring the cursor to the end of the text quickly, hit CONTROL + END. URLs, ftp, gopher, news and E-mail addresses should in most cases be underlined automatically. URLs must start with 'http://' or 'www.' to be recognised as such, e-mails can start with 'mailto:' or the program will try to guess. If you double-click on underlined text, a selector pops up to allow you to execute this command (URL, FTP, Gopher, News, Mailto). You may modify the command before executing it, or type in or paste another command. This same selector is available if you right-click and chose 'Run', only in this case, the last entry in the selector is remembered, not the highlighted text. You can type in any executable name in this selector, as well as DOS commands. Notice that e-mail addresses in the selector MUST have the 'mailto:' prefix, URLs can have the 'http://' prefix or the 'www.' prefix. Versions 2.9999908 and 2.9999909 have small bugs in the text rendering (end of lines could get truncated, some characters could be repeated), solved I hope in 2.9999910.

Xelagot 2.9999907 May 3, 2000. Caretaker bots can now change individual rights through the user interface by right-clicking on the presence list (see Topics: Presence list), with verbal commands (see Verbal Commands: World attributes and rights) and with action scripts statements (Action Script: World Attributes and Rights, half-way down the page).

Xelagot 2.9999906 May 1, 2000. Two bugs killed: the colour selection for world lights was messed up (reported by Talian), and WhisperConcat was not working properly (Cosmic Truth). New help page for the Presence list explains old and new possibilities: the pop up menu has more items... New verbal command for throwing one or more dice explained in verbal commands Say. A first attempt at stabilising the scrolling of the chat window: right click on the window and uncheck 'scroll': then move the cursor (easier to do with the arrows than with the mouse) to the position you wish to select, and select using the shift + arrow combination: the cursor and selection should stay in view. Don't forget to re-check the 'scroll' item on the pop-up screen after finishing. I will keep on working on this one :)

Xelagot 2.9999904 April 28, 2000. Action Script. Bot data may now be retrieved using various old statements: GetName $a %n, GetSession %s %n, GetCitnum %c %n, GetID $a %n, GetWorld $w %n, GetUniverse $u %n. GetAvatar %a %n, GetGesture %g %n... etc, that is, %n specifies the bot number (starts by 1, numbers out of range default to the bot running the script. Excluded are GetNS @a %n, GetWE @a %n, GetAltitude @a %n, GetRotation @a %n and their location family GetNS &a %n, GetNS ~a %n: in these cases, you must do GetPosition @p %n or GetPerson &p %n, and then extract the coords from @p or &p: GetNS @a @p, GetNS @a &p, etc. Two new statements: GetPerson &p (for bot running the script), GetPerson &p %n (%n is bot number), GetPerson &p &b (equivalent to &p = &b); GetBotNumber %b, GetBotNumber %b %n (LOL, allows you to check whether %n is out of range).

Xelagot 2.9999902 April 27, 2000. Presence list: pop-up menu has another experimental option: goto + whisper. Workaround implemented for an AW SDK world disconnect bug. 5 led lights above the Presence menu: 2 right ones indicate (top) central activity, (bottom) bot activity; middle one is aw_wait(0) blocking; left ones: (top) Server (yellow = connected, green = has clients online), (bottom) bot Client.

Xelagot 2.9999900 April 24, 2000. Presence list: pop-up menu has a few more options: stop chasing/noticing (if applicable), whisper (to selected avatar); goto, follow, join (fast or slow); notice (look at or avoid). These were previously available through verbal commands or scripting. ActionScript: IfGotoPerson, IfFollowPerson and IfJoinPerson should now work for the Login Owner if he/she is not present but is logged into one of the browsers registered for browser tracking..

Xelagot 2.9999899 April 22, 2000: corrected a mismatch in the compiling directives which affected the compilation of the Transform code for Projects - due to this, combined Rotations and Translations only executed the rotation. This affected the moving of projects if rotations were also involved, both in the survey manager and through scripting (bug reported by Who)..

Xelagot 2.99998988 April 22, 2000. ActionScript: added SayConcat, WhisperConcat, SecretConcat, which combine Say etc. with Concat. Two new statements for the String lists have been added: IfNameInString and IfNameWordInString. These solve a few problems when parsing chatlines using string lists with name-value pairs, for instance, they will split the chatline in three parts if a name contained in the string list is part of the chatline: before the name, the name, after the name; and they also produce the value corresponding to the name. User Interface: Added a status bar to the chat screen. It shows the total present, and partial totals for citizens, tourits, xelagots and other bots. Depending on which options are visible and selected, it can keep track of the data of an avatar (av number, gesture number, position) or the world totals. The presence list and worlds list have been re-writen for more stability. Versions 2.9999898 were transitional ones, new download recommended.

Xelagot 2.9999897 April 17, 2000. Search: added click, send URL, avatar warp and teleport to the Search list (activate it by right clicking on the Presence list and selecting search). This search facility is now a main tool for PKs and Caretakers. A double click on IP or Citnum queries the servers (hit the Search button after doing that, or set automatic refresh on to view the changes). A right-click on any of the data fields allows the user to copy the contents of that field to the clipboard. NOTE: eject, avatar warp and teleport works as long as the victim has not left the world or changed session number, even if he/she has left the presence of the bot.

Xelagot 2.9999896 April 17, 2000. Presence (right-click) and Search lists can be sorted by arrival time (default) or by name. Eject button in Search no longer requires pressing ctrl or right mouse. Fixed a cosmetic bug in Search.

Xelagot 2.9999895 April 16, 2000. Versions *892 to *893 had a bug in the code to make projects through the Survey manager when using auto query (backups and action script were not affected). This was a very old bug, which used to appear infrequently, but changes in the code made it surface. *894 had a temporary fix. This version *895 has a completely revised code for querying, hopefully a few annoyances and bugs of the past are solved. The improvements since 2.9999891 are: faster and more reliable code for the Survey manager, including for turning surveys into projects; the cache is checked for invalid files when loading it; the zone being queried is now visible on the map, its boundaries are marked by a thin red line; the status bar shows what the auto query is doing, the number of steps for filling the map have been reduced from 9 to 6 and are visible there; sensitive spots on the Survey manager change the mouse cursor to a pointing hand; there is a new button for consolidating projects on the project tab, next to the update button. When transforming a project, object numbers are now set to 0, as they used to be (code was broken there). The help files have been updated. If the use of the cache proves reliable, it will be set on by default (is not now) in a future version. Action Script: added statement QueryUseCache On/Off.

Xelagot 2.9999891 April 13, 2000. Cured an ailment in the recognition code for xlg files and objects: in some cases, objects were being recognized as such but were rejected by the object collections - they were treated as duplicate objects, due to an error in the code. It is uncertain when this bug crept in, it was not there in the original code. The symptoms were: consolidating a project left only one or few objects in it, and some files only loaded part of the collection. This only happened to objects having a Zero Object number (modified surveys and propdumps), not in original surveys and backups.

Xelagot 2.999989 April 12, 2000. ACCESS VIOLATION ALERT (LOL). People using Action Script statement WriteToBot "Hear" (not CLWriteToBot "Hear") must download this fixed version: a gruesome ugly late night bug creeped into the bot code. After a bloody chase which lasted 3 hours I finally sent it to where it belongs :)

Xelagot 2.999988 April 11, 2000. NEW: ejection database management for Caretaker bots in 3.0 worlds (build 23 or higher). Accessible from menu World | World attributes, tab Ejections. Press "Query" to load the world ejection database, select a time mode (VRT or Local). To edit an entry: select an item on the list, hit Edit. You can remove the entry from the world database by pressing "Release IP", or change the ejection expiration time and hit "Block IP", or enter a new IP number, expiration time and comment, and press "Block IP". If the operation succeeds, the database will be requeried automatically to show its new contents. See the new Topics: Caretaker page (still in construction). Action Script: added statements AvWarp and AvTeleport, see Say...

Xelagot 2.999987 April 10, 2000. Minor changes to verbal command {do_say_boss} "who is your boss", fixed minor discrepancies. Added Background and Fog Colour to Light and Fog tab (it is the same as Background Colour in Feature tab). AW SDK 16 bug fix: Active Worlds has fixed the "world with same name in different universes" bug.

Xelagot 2.999986 April 8, 2000. Verbal commands: added avURL to push urls, and a command to change languages. Please note that the language files for spanish and dutch may still miss the new verbal commands added lately.

Xelagot 2.999985 April 7, 2000. Fixed a bug in the AW_ATRRIBUTES list: as from the switch to SDK build 16, ejection was not being conducted due to a misplaced attribute.

Xelagot 2.999984 April 7, 2000. Action script, Server/Client: Split the event handler OnCLHear in two, adding OnCLAnswer, and also split OnBotHear into OnBotHear and OnBotAnswer. This solves two problems: cascading and unauthorised secret use of CLWriteToBot ("master" protocol) by an answering bot. All answers to WriteToBot "Hear" and CLWriteToBot "Hear" must be trapped in an Answer event (OnBotAnswer and OnCLAnswer) instead of in the Hear event. See the corresponding event. WriteToBot commands now include the new 3.0 world attributes. I have added more information on the relevant event handlers for WriteToBot "Hear" and WriteToBot "Message" there, check it :) The new warp and teleport commands are available by right clicking the avatar icon on the presence list: they are in the same menu as "click" and "eject".

Xelagot 2.999983 April 6, 2000. Version 2.999982 added the new world attributes to the user interface (World | World attributes) and to the action script. Version 2.999983 added two new verbal commands: avClick and avWhisper.

Xelagot 2.999981 April 4, 2000. Xelagot uses SDK 3.0 beta build 16. Two new commands for teleporting avatars.
for warping an avatar within one world: avwarp victim, coords or awp victim, coords
for teleporting within one world: avteleport victim, coords or atp victim, coords
for teleporting to another world, add the world name to the coordinates, for example: avteleport Abbot Pabisoko, nowhere 1000n 29000w 300a 180 where 'nowhere' is the name of the world:)
For this to work, the bot must be Caretaker or have Eject rights, the world server must be 3.0 beta build 23 or higher, and the victim must be either a bot using this sdk function (this xelagot does) or a person using the 3.0 (beta) browser.
Survey manager: a vertical toolbar with the following options: track bot (the map follows the bot), auto survey (map is updated automatically when surveying, only the 'live update zone' when stationary), use cache (uses a disk cache to spead up loading, only queries the server when necessary), project/survey on top, hide survey, hide project.


As from version 2.999959, the language system has changed. File Lang.ini is obsolete and is not used by the bot. The language code in Lang.ini has been moved to the [Common] section of the corresponding language files: (english) Dialog0.txt, (spanish) Spanish_AMD01.txt, (dutch) Nederlands01.txt. Older versions of these language files will not work properly.
If you have made your own custom language files, check the [Common] section of these new language files (xelagot version 2.999959) and add the missing code to your own files. You can do that now, the new code will be ignored until you upgrade the bot. Read the notes in "Changes in dialog0 and lang.txt" for details about the changes.
Check also the section on Customising the language file if you modified Dialog0.txt, Spanish_AMD01.txt or Nederlands01.txt (which you should not have done, but you can still save your changes to companion files).
You can download the new language files separately if you wish to update your custom files but do not wish to upgrade the bot yet:

Xelagot 2.999980 April 1, 2000. Survey manager has now two extra buffers available (on the Lists tab): Buffer 1 is the old Action Script "Res" buffer, the Buffer 2 is new. Lists may be moved or copied to these Buffers and to the Project, and Buffers and Project can move or copy their objects to one another. Project and Buffers can load/merge from file, and all lists can be saved to file. Right click on the list title for action.

Xelagot 2.999979 April 1, 2000. Bug fix in WriteToBot statement affecting the Hear command and OnBotHear event. Working on eliminating an old insidious bug in the survey manager, and adding more user control to it: work in progress :)

Xelagot 2.999978 March 31, 2000. Bug fix in ejection routines: when an ejection file was loaded, all tourists got ejected for one week :( This has now been fixed... There are more changes, especially in the survey manager, but they are not complete. I had to upload the ejection fix anyway.

Xelagot 2.999977 March 28, 2000. Bug fix in World Announce (menu World | Preferences): whisper selection was not working.

New script: LaserTag Bot script

Xelagot 2.999976 March 28, 2000. Action Script: new statements for time variables: AddDays, AddHours, AddMinutes, AddSeconds !t !d %x to add certain intervals to the date and time, and Future !t !d, LocalFuture !t !d to adjust dates so that the times occur in the next 24 hours. New event handlers: Error and LabelNotFound. Modified the new Walk statement.

Xelagot 2.999975 March 26, 2000. Action Script: new statements Walk @p, Walk @p $a, PauseWalk, ResumeWalk, event WalkComplete. Timeout event bug (typo) is fixed, and Timeout now allows to set multiple events (for different times) with SetTimeout !t [$a].

Xelagot 2.999974 March 25, 2000. Citizen Identification option has moved from menu "Bot | Identify Citizens" to the World tab in menu "World | Preferences" ("World | Appearence and Greet" renamed). It is turned off by default for all worlds and universes, may be turned on per World. It is only needed for ejector bots. Say Hi and Bye has also been moved to the World tab. The eject file now allows to input a name of an avatar, and to eject all tourists.

Xelagot 2.999972 March 24, 2000. Optimised the code in the synchronised methods of the WinSockets and the main thread, buffering the data to be processed outside these methods. This minimises the blocking effect.

Xelagot 2.999971 March 24, 2000. Action Script: statements for automatic reconnect of Server and Bot Clients: ServerReconnect On/Off, ServerReconnectDelay %d, CLReconnect On/Off, CLReconnectDelay %d. The state of auto-reconnect for Server, Central Client and Bot Clients is now saved to the ini file..

Xelagot 2.999970 March 23, 2000. Server/Clients user interface and Clients user interface: cosmetics. The screen for loading and playing action scripts has 2 new items: a checkbox to allow/disallow saving the name of the script to the ini file on exit, and a button to do that 'now'..

Xelagot 2.999969 March 23, 2000. Server/Clients user interface and Clients user interface: Added an automatic reconnect option for server and clients if they get disconnected. Still needs some polishing but works, Action Script statements yet to come :).

Xelagot 2.999968 ActionScript: OnCLMessageEvent replaces OnCLReadEvent completely: both were trapping the same sort of 'free' message. All messages previously going to CLRead now go to CLMessage. Client user interface: a few changes, see page Clients user interface.

Xelagot 2.999967 ActionScript: added 2 more Event handlers: OnDBMessageEvent and OnCLMessageEvent, see Events: BossChat etc, and a new Message command to the WriteToBot commands, see the new WriteToBot page.

Xelagot 2.999966 ServerClient: additions to Client Screen (free text to/from server).

Xelagot 2.999965 ServerClient: Client Screen added to menu Bot: the Central Client can now talk through a remote server with Bot Clients, in three different ways: normal chat mode (WTB text) similar to the way one talks to the bot in the AW brouwser, WriteToBot commands (WTB code), and direct to the Action Script CLRead event handler of bots running scripts (AS text). Help pages in the make...

Xelagot 2.999963 ServerClient and Action Script: Bug fix in login registration of remote clients by BotClient.

Xelagot 2.999962 ServerClient: Couple of bug fixes. Action Script: Bug in DO fixed. WriteToBot, CLWriteToBot and AnyWriteToBot have a new command: Hear. This command will redirect the string following it to the language interface....

Xelagot 2.999961 ServerClient: Added an internal list to the BotClient, that keeps track of who is online at the remote server. Action Script: (BotClient) IfCLIsOnline $n for inquiring if some bot is logged in. New protocol added: Master (next to the Bot protocol). A bot must have both 'bot' and 'master' protocols if it is to issue CLWriteToBot and AnyWriteToBot commands.
VerbalCommands: added load speakers and save speakers to the DJ commands (all language files have been updated: english, spanish and dutch).

Xelagot 2.999960 Action Script: a few more BotClient statements: CLWriteToBot and AnyWriteToBot. More WriteToBot statements, including ones to open and close Servers and (Bot)Clients and to forward WriteToBot, CLWriteToBot and AnyWriteToBot messages to other bots.

Xelagot 2.999959 Language files: The first Dutch version is available: Nederlands01.txt. Lang.ini has been made obsolete, its code has moved to the language files. See the notes in the file "Changes in dialog0 and lang.txt" which comes in the zip with the bot. Page Language and chat has been updated to reflect the changes.

Xelagot 2.999958 Language files: a few additions to Lang.ini, changes in Dialog0.txt and the Spanish translation Spanish_AMD01.txt. See the notes in the file "Changes in dialog0 and lang.txt" which comes in the zip with the bot. Page Language and chat has been updated to reflect the changes.

Xelagot 2.999957 aaaaaahhhgggg....Server/Client: bug in CLWrite $n $a (was executing CLWrite $n $n). Fixed.

Xelagot 2.999956 Server/Client: problem with server/client heartbeat solved.

Xelagot 2.999953-4 Server/Client: solved a winsock mystery concerning the transmission of strings (thanks Who), fix in this version.

Xelagot 2.999952 More changes to the Server/Clients user interface: different colours for Bot Clients and other clients, wider selection of visible names. The Bot Client settings are saved to the ini file.

Xelagot 2.999951 Small changes to the Server/Clients user interface: Bot Clients can now be set up from there (host, port, login, password, connect, disconnect) as well as from action scripts.

Xelagot 2.99995 Radical changes in the Bot Client software and the Action Script satements for the Bot Client. See the Server/Client section, and in particular the Bot Client and Setting up a script connection pages and their links.

Xelagot 2.99994 A few small changes in the Server/Client code. version 2.99993 allowed many bots using the Server to 'capture' one client. 2.99994 changed the event handler ClientConnect to ClientLogin for Server events. Read the additions to the Server/Client section.

Xelagot 2.99991 Includes the first version of the Client/Server software. The help files have been updated only for the user interface part of the software. I will be updating the Action Script part asap. See the new sections.

Xelagot 2.99990 Face-lift Help | About :)

Xelagot 2.99989 New menu item: Follow and Join, allowing (finally!) to set the parameters for the follow/join movements through the user interface. Up to now, this was only possible using verbal commands or script statements. See Xelagot verbal commands: , which has been rewritten. The page Xelagot topics: Language and chat has been modified, includes now at the foot of the page more information about placeholders. And the whole help pages have had an Arial facelift :)

Feb 25, 2000. Help pages New topic added: Known problems

DJ.EXE 2.05 bug fix: now loads the first url of an unformatted url list.

Xelagot 2.99988 Action Script: bug fix for !a = !b (was not working)

Xelagot 2.99987 Action Script: new statements to retrieve the paths used by the program and for manipulating files and paths, see Program paths and path\file operations. New statements for DeeJay.

Xelagot 2.99986 fixed a couple of things in Action Script: string operations Split and SplitFromEnd have ceased to be case sensitive, and two new ones SplitExact and SplitExactFromEnd are case sensitive now. IfGetPersonName has also been made case insensitive, but still requires the full name, i.e. tourists must have their "" and bots their [].

New script examples: The Martian DoubleWarps Bot and the RandomTeleport Bot.

DJ.EXE 2.04 fixes a problem with urls which lack the http:// header.

Xelagot 2.99985 DeeJay verbal commands have changed and expanded. See Topics: Playing midis and Xelagot verbal commands: Disk Jockey commands. The DeeJay user interface has a few more utilities: speaker definitions can be saved and loaded, you can adjust the time between midis, and double-clicking on the midi list will play the midi inmediately. Action Script commands for playing midis will be added soon.

Xelagot 2.99984 DeeJay verbal commands have changed. See Topics: Playing midis and Xelagot verbal commands: Disk Jockey commands.

Xelagot 2.99983 DeeJay code has been radically altered to allow simultaneous speakers. There is a new user interface: menu World | DeeJay has two tabs. Midis tab loads, shows and plays midis, Speakers tab defines the speakers. See Topics: Playing midis and Xelagot verbal commands: Disk Jockey commands.

Xelagot 2.99982 Fixed a problem with Scanav (Action Script), which appeared mostly when used from within event handlers.

DJ.exe 2.02 - Fixed some bugs of version 2.01, added new options. Recommended, especially if you have version 2.01. It is included in the bot download, but you may download it separately too.

DJ.exe 2.01 - new feature: 'Play' from pop-up menu on list to play the midi.

DJ.exe 2.00 - new features are: automatic download of midis and checking the duration. See new Topics: Playing midis. Thanks to Faber for his guidance (months ago). You can download it separately at the download page, if you don't have it yet.

New in 2.99981 - ActionScript - a few event handlers: BotMessage for direct synchronisation of scripts: CitizenAttributes, Address. New statements QueryCitnum, QueryCitname, QueryAddress explained in those event handler sections, event statements GetCitizenAttributes, GetNameSessionAddress explained in the same sections, and statement GetAddress $a &p in the section on string variables. See also the section on event AvatarScan and statement ScanAv for re-scanning avatars within a certain radius of the bot, which I seem to have never mentioned before. Typo in the MirrorBot: Gosub %Owned should be Gosub Owned :) Fixed in the examples.

ABOUT 2.99980 - The first copy of this version I uploaded had a bug in the teleport routine (bot would pretend to warp to another world when ordered to do so, but would stay in the same world). Fixed. Note that I have updated the section called Events: WriteToBot. These statements existed since november 1999 but had not been documented.

NEW IN 2.99980 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Bot Mailer Added abort button. Action Script added event EmailSend and statement EmailAbort

NEW IN 2.99979 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Bot Mailer bug fixed: when body is empty and no attachments are sent, the (3rd party) mailer class gets stuck when sending email. I solved that by adding a space to the body if it is empty.

NEW IN 2.99978 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Bot Mailer now sends attachments. Action Script added UserMsg statements, to open a message screen, see User input and output.

NEW IN 2.99977 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Action Script new Playsound $f to play a WAV file, see User input and output.

NEW IN 2.99976 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Action Script new Events: EmailSuccess, EmailFailed.

NEW IN 2.99975 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Action Script new Email statements. Still missing: Email events.

NEW IN 2.99974 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Email this version includes its own SMTP mailer. You can access it at the menu Uni | Bot Mail. You must first customise the Mailer (tab Mailer) before you can start sending. Required fields: SMTP-host and Port (port is 25 by default) - get these data from your regular mailer - and your email address. The Mailer is on a second thread so as not to block the bot. You may keep a default BCC adress to notify yourself of mails you send - the bot will not remember those. Needs thorough testing (alpha is done, beta still needed).

NEW IN 2.99973 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Action Script: 2nd Bug fix in Location conditional IsInTriangle. Added String conditional IsWordIn, and String list IfSlistWordInString and IfSlistWordInStringExact. New statement Scanav [%range] scans all avatars present within a certain range in metres, and triggers the events AvatarScan and AvatarScanComplete. Many date-time variables have now Local Time statements next to their VRT ones.

NEW IN 2.99972 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Bug fix in Teleport list: dragging a teleport caused an access violation.

NEW IN 2.99971 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Action script Bug fix in angles calculation for IsInTriagle. Added to Location operations (conditional) IsBehind, IsInFront, Sees.

NEW IN 2.99970 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Bug fix in World Announce: it was not announcing to citizens when Identify Citizens was turned off.

NEW IN 2.99969 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Action script bug fix in Filters (was an bug in the Filter class). Thanks, Who.

NEW IN 2.99968 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Action script new statements ProjectFromListXX to copy the objects in the corresponding list to the project buffer.

NEW IN 2.99967 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Verbal command 'Say' has been improved: when whispered to the bot, it will cause the bot to say the text aloud. It will also work as expected if you tell the bot 'Say Join me', which used to cause the bot to say 'Join me' and to join you; now it will only say 'Join me'. This verbal command, coded as {repeat} in the language files, must stand at the begining of its corresponding section for this to work properly. Please read the section on Language for details about customising the language files. Example scripts: SkullCounter Bot, new example complementing the Paintball bot (requires this version or higher). Action script new statement ProjectFromRes to copy the objects in the Res buffer to the project buffer.

NEW IN 2.99966 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Bots in the same program can also use the universe warp feature when following each other. The input for chat/whisper and command has been re-modelled: press one of the butons to select the appropriate mode for inputting. An extra button (named R) allows you to recover the text you just sent to the bot. Accelerators for selecting the modes: ALT+T for chat, ALT+W for whisper and ALT+M for command. To send the text, press ENTER.

NEW IN 2.99963/4 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Bug fixes in teleport screen.

NEW IN 2.99962 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Full trans-universe warp is now enabled, including follow and join. AW browsers must be registerd and matched in the login selector (tab Browser) for this to work.

NEW IN 2.99961 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Bug-fix in new Teleport Edit screen. Links to Ima's Bot forum and xelagot email. Check the menu Help.

NEW IN 2.99959 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Link to Online Help pages added to the Help menu.

NEW IN 2.99958 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Teleport list: introduced new format for storing the teleport data, which includes the Universe name. Old and imported teleports will lack this information. Teleport entries can now be edited by right-clicking on an entry and selecting Edit. This also allows to enter the universe name (combo). New teleports created with Remember bring up this teleport editor. Worlds list: the selected position in the list is kept when you click the button to refresh it.

NEW IN 2.99957 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Action Script: more commands (String Lists, emulating database). Check the script examples for a PaintBall bot script. ** Teleport selector now includes universe selection. NOTE on Join: the current version tracks the browser differently than before: browsers must be 'installed' in the bot program to be tracked properly (see the Login screen in your bot), and the Browser caption must show the correct universe. Helpfiles will be updated shortly about this.

NEW IN 2.99956 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Action Script: added a few commands, and an example script for 'In GZ detection'.

NEW IN 2.99955 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Survey Manager: added a facility for changing models in projects. It is hidden in the Models tab :) Changing citnums (and saving the list, right click on the list) was made possible in version 2.9995. Action Script: the Input Event and the Input Form was not working. Fixed. Preparations for registering the AW browsers are being made, this will provide a more accurate parsing of the browser form caption used in 'join'.

NEW IN 2.99954 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Restored the user interface Teleporter (was broken). Added some code to handle disconnections. Action Script: added statements for saving the lists of objects to file (see Surveying, building... and the Lists).

NEW IN 2.99952 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Dialog files customisation, a long awaited feature: as from this version, the dialog files may be customised without altering the standard dialog0.txt file. See the section on Language in Xelagot Topics.

NEW IN 2.99951 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Verbal commands: Uniport or Uniwarp sends the bot to another universe and world.

NEW IN 2.9995 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Survey Manager: added a facility for changing citizen numbers in projects. It is hidden in the Citnums tab :)

NEW IN 2.99943 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. AGGGHHHHH when fixin' the bug in Call, I planted another one right beside it :( Fixed :)

NEW IN 2.99942 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Fixed a bug in Call, the world was not set properly (thanx Abbot Pabisoko) .

NEW IN 2.99941 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. Action Script: added ResSave $f [%r], ResFromProjectFilter (Filters), GetSourceTarget &s &t or &s ~t (Events AvatarClick, ObjectClick/Select). Corrected mistakes in the help files. Sections on Profiles and Language added to the Xelagot Topics. Rewrote the sections on Getting started and added some of the verbal commands which were missing.

NEW IN 2.9994 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. New concept of PROFILES: each profile contains the list of universes known by the program, the universe data are the same on each profile, the bot and citizen data are customisable per profile. Bots can share profiles or use different ones, to ease trans-universe warp. New verbal commands: Locate finds avatars anywhere a bot in the same program detects them, even in other universes or worlds; Call either spawns a bot or brings the bot over from another universe or world (the name and profile of the called bot must be set beforehand). To do: apply this trans-universality to the teleports list and re-adjust the bot code.

NEW IN 2.9992 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. check the help files for additions to the Action Script... Added (in Say) KillText, (in String variables) ErrorCode $a %e, (in Subs) Suspend, Do, (in String Lists, emulating records with fields) SListGetNames, SListGetField, SListSetField, SListAddFields (not tested). Verbal commands added: Error (SDK error code), silence! (kill ongoing text reading). Modified Dialog0.txt (see file in Chat directory with changes)

NEW IN 2.9990 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. check the help files for additions to the Action Script... Added ClickPerson, and a whole section on Join, Follow, Goto (Person).

NEW IN 2.998 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. check the help files for additions to the Action Script... added ProjectComplete event, Timeout event, debugged destroying projects (thanks eagerD).

NEW IN 2.996 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. check the help files for additions to the Action Script... Filters

NEW IN 2.995 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. check the help files for additions to the Action Script... especially the Do statement and the Program settings section

NEW IN 2.993 - PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 3.0. check the help files for many additions to the Action Script... Added ability to click on avatars and send url (presence list pop-up menu)... and many more hidden features :)

NEW IN 2.991 - Action Script: bugfix in ObjectAdd, ObjectChange and ObjectModify which affected ObjectDelete... (thanks Who)

NEW IN 2.99 - Action Script: statements for Blimp movement.

NEW IN 2.98 - Action Script: statements for Random movement.

NEW IN 2.96 - 2.97 Action Script: Completed world attributes, world right lists may also be changed (caretaker bots).

NEW IN 2.93-2.95 Action Script: User Input form (with or without an Input event), Enter, Exit and Void statements. 2.95: Login to Universe statements in Action Script: BotName, UniverseData, CitizenData....

NEW IN 2.91 Survey Manager: a Find selector in the list of objects may be activated by right-clicking on the text. This also works in the Cell Viewer.

NEW IN 2.90 Survey manager, a few additions: delete lists now included. Action Script: when modifying objects, the deleted object in now available too, see help 'Events: Object Add, Object Delete'. Activated till December 1st 1999.

NEW IN 2.89 Survey Manager: a new concept was introduced: the origin of a project. You may use any valid coordinate for this, including an object coordinate. Data from the Coordinate buffers may be used for this purpose. The appropriate window can be accessed from the Survey manager's menu Projects, item Project Origin. This coordinate will be saved to file and reloaded.

NEW IN 2.87 Bug fix in Survey Manager's Cellviewer.

NEW IN 2.86 Action Script: quite a few aditions, see the helpfiles for a complete overview. Run a script from within a script, Load/Save data... Other areas: more bugs killed, verbal commands for loading and running a script added...

NEW IN 2.82 Survey Manager: Xelagot recognises now directly Canopus Blueprint files, and can also save projects to that file format.

NEW IN 2.81 Survey Manager: Xelagot recognises propdump files, and can also save files in that format. Previously, the only interchangeable formats were Canopus' (albeit by using his converter programs, not directly)

NEW IN 2.80 Time-lock: September 15th 1999. Action Script: improvements in Stringlists, load to/save from file.... Main program: identifying avatars on the presence list and search window: left-click once on the citizen number field or IP address field in the pop-up menu or on the search display to get the citizen number or IP address if they have not automatically be queryied by the bot.

NEW IN 2.79 Action Script: Backup facility for world owner: 2 scripts included, WorldBackup20n20w.txt and WorldBackup25n25w.txt, to be used in combination with thw survey manager (which is only needed to save the projects produced by these scripts). Other improvements....

NEW IN 2.78 oops, bug in IntMul code fixed. Thanks Whatdog.

NEW IN 2.77 oops, bug in SendURL code fixed. Added script example "urlsend.txt" to the Script folder.

NEW IN 2.76 Action script: Centre of project may be moved to specified coordinates and yaw. Events World Disconnect, World Connect, URL added. Method SendURL (Caretakers only).

NEW IN 2.75 Action script: load, merge, save, build Project (no transformations yet)....

NEW IN 2.74 Citizen identification on arrival is set out by default. Menu Bot | Identify citizens allows the user to activate it if needed (ejector bots need this function). A citizen will still be identified when it first addresses the bot. Citizen identification of xelagot owners has been modified. NOTE citizen identification requires at present querying the universe server database. The ActiveWorlds technology is still using absurdly old methods for providing this information, and can not handle substantial traffic in this area. In crowded places, this may lead to a server overload. ActiveWorld seems to solve this by disconnecting the world server temporarily, i.e. browsers and bots get a short Waiting For Server message. Use automatic citizen idetification only when absolutely necessary

NEW IN 2.72-2.74 Action Script: adding more and more... News for project builders: Is now possible to build a project using the original citizen numbers and build timestamp. Requirements: 2.2 world server or higher, bot with Eminent Domain rights, citizen numbers must all have build rights.

NEW IN 2.71 Action Script: added more object statements (model, description ....). Updated help files.

NEW IN 2.70    LANGUAGE: the first dialog file in a different language file has been released: Spanish, provided by AMD. This file, spanish_AMD01.txt, should be in your Chat folder, next to dialog0.txt and Lang.ini. It can be loaded at the menu Uni | Dialog, DJ, Scripts, first section Dialog, click load, select the file and load it. You may then select it in the combo box. You may also set it as default dialog file for the bot, or valid in the universe the bot is, or only for the world the bot is in. There is still no help file included :(    ACTION SCRIPT: a sample action script has been included, avatar_object_click.txt in the Script folder, illustrating the functions of clicking on objects and avatars. It can be loaded at the menu Uni | Dialog, DJ, Scripts, 3rd section Action Script, and started off by clicking start. The scripting language is growing, a new variable type has been introduced: Object variables. The help files are being updated.

NEW IN 2.69 Please download this version or a higher version at your earliest conveninence. Bug fix: a very infrequently occurring bug was fixed. This bug could put the bot in a loop querying the universe server for a non-existing citizen, possibly resulting in an server-overload. Only two cases were noticed (Sat. July 24th), both on the same day in two different universes.

NEW IN 2.6 Added option: Identify Citizens, which enables (default) or disables automatic identification of citizens. Script: String lists are functioning now. New structural element: Text fields. New statements, including SayText and WhisperText. Position detection enhanced with IfLoc ... InTriangle. OnAvatarClickEvent installed but not tested. And many new statemends, check the help files.

NEW IN 2.56 Beta period extended till august 31st. Bug fixes. Time-out lists seem fully functional.

NEW IN 2.55 Script: Else statement introduced to complement the If statements (see Conditional statements). New statements: Warp, WarpLocal, Eject.

NEW IN 2.53-2.54 Script: removed a big fat bug in conditional statements for location and person :) 2.54 Finished event trapping for Chat, Avatar Add, Avatar Change and Avatar Delete. Added a link to download these html pages in zipped format.

NEW IN 2.51-2.52 added to the script conditional statements for person variable. The time-out lists have a few methods (v 2.52).

NEW IN 2.50 upgraded to SDK build 15. Added a new log to file feature: 3 in total, one for chat, one for technical detais only, one for both. The 'search' feature in the pop up menu of the presence list allows copying data to the clipboard. Working on 2 new variable types: lists, which can be used as dynamic arrays of string type with optional time out, and lists for text buffers.

NEW IN 2.41-2.43 Scripting: Chat events introduced, together with a new category of variables: person. I will be updating the help files gradually. 2.43 Bug fix for access violation involving location and person variables

NEW IN 2.40 The new SDK build 14 for 2.2 servers is used. New features include: a second 'Log to file' option, wich will only log technical details, not conversations - the normal log keeps both; a 'bad words' sound alert, see Xelagot topics: Bad words; a verbal command to activate 'click on avatar' announce in 2.2 worlds, see Xelagot verbal commands: Various commands; the 'search' option in the presence list is greatly enhanced, see Xelagot topics: Eject; Caretakers and PK now have the IP number at their disposal; ... still working on scripting.

NEW IN 2.382 A few bug fixes. Version 2.382 is the last using SDK build 13, which has been in use for a few months now. SDK build 14 beta has just been released, providing new features, which will soon be incorporated in the program. These new features will only be active in 2.2 world servers and browsers.

NEW IN 2.381 Survey Manager: Memo edit replaced by Rich Edit (no limit to text length). Added option to show or disable text in Rich Edit: disabling speeds up certain processes.

NEW IN 2.38 Eject has been enhanced with verbal commands and search functions. See help files, Xelagot topics: eject

NEW IN 2.376-2.377 Bug fix and additions for loading other dialog files (not as yet documented, translator's fix).

NEW IN 2.375 Action scripting: added various string operations.

NEW IN 2.373-2.374 Action scripting: corrected bugs in time-date and string coditionals, added stuff.

NEW IN 2.37-2.372 Action scripting: added date-time variables, operations and conditionals.

NEW IN 2.31-2.36 Action scripting includes: maths functions, full set of trigonometric, hyperbolic and logarithmic functions; location variables, their assignment and methods, typecasting from numeric to location and viceversa. Location methods: locmove3d, locturn (to face another location). Working on more movement statements, string variables and functions. Help files are updated.

NEW IN 2.3: Action scripting includes variables and conditional statements (see online help, will be updating version and help files often, as only a sub-set of the new statements has been activated)

FIX IN 2.283: bug fixed in Surver Manager: on some systems (Win98) the Memo used to show the project has a size-limit. This caused large projects to get truncated. This truncation has been fixed, but the Memo might still display only part of the project. Known is a limit of about 700 objects on Windows 98

NEW IN 2.282: more bug fixes. Action scripting for world attributes extended (see online help)

NEW IN 2.28: more bug fixes. Action scripting is enhanced with changing of some world attributes - caretakers only - See example scripts in directory Scripts for available commands. Note variables may not be used in scripts, I'm working on that feature, but you can use GoSub and GoTo. Action scripts can be loaded in the selector in Uni | Dialog, DJ, Scripts

NEW IN 2.27: more bug fixes. Extra feature in Bot menu: Listening Impaired when checked, deafens the bot for questions from non-bosses (equivalent to verbal command 'listen only to me'. Added to Random selector: Wait between steps (seconds).

NEW IN 2.261: Menus have been redone. The Uni-Tools and World menus has been renamed Uni and World. The Bot menu now contains the items Ownership Block, Log File and Eject List

NEW IN 2.26: Eject List for automatic ejection of listed citizens. The help file will be updated shortly.

NEW IN 2.25: 'Whisper arrivals and departures' option (menu World | Appearence and Greet). New options in presence list (pop up menu): (1) shows citizen number and session number (2) 'give bold' to someone, so as to enhanced their speech - usefull for lectures; (3) dump list option includes all owners and has been fully revised to include departures list, position, arrival and departure times. A few bug fixes.

FIX in 2.243: AW error messages restored.

BUG FIX in 2.241: Faulty logic in Models Filter fixed.

2.23x BUG FIX in 2.24: Rather nasty bug, the code to recognise the ini file was not working in some of the latest updates. If your bot does not answer when you call its name, this might be the reason. Fixed. And sorry...

NEW IN 2.23: The presence list has a new option: Show Absent (right click on it). Allows viewing, selecting and ejecting (if still present in world) avatars that have just left, until at least 10 minutes after their departure from the neighbourhood of the bot.

NEW IN 2.21: Multiple First Boss. IF YOUR VERSION IS 2.21, PLEASE UPGRADE TO 2.211 or higher, there is an annoying but harmless bug in this version!

NEW IN 2.20: Log to file option for each bot.

NEW IN 2.192: Arrival Alert option in "World | Appearence and Greet". Make sure a wav file is selected (test it by re-loading it) and the check-box is checked. Plays the wav for new arrivals, and when avatars return after being away for one minute or more. You can select different wavs for different bots - you must provide the other wavs though. To de-activate it, just un-check the box. It will not work if a wav file is playing in your aw browser, you may have to uncheck the wav playing option there.

Notice for people who downloaded version 2.17: if you have Windows 98, you are advised to download this new version, which has fixed a win98-related malfunction (thanks, T i m). Otherwise, there are no changes.